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Private Acts of 1953 Chapter 116

SECTION 1. That the county line between Blount and Knox County where said lines cross the southwestern part of the Mrs. Annie C. Elrod farm be changed and locate the said county dividing line with the west and southwest lines of said Elrod farm and Fate Cosner, George Sowder, Tim Burdine, Ace Tarwater to the corner of Elrod, Tarwater and Newton Rule thence northwest with the Elrod, Newton Rule and Langley line to county line where it crosses the line between Elrod and Langley, so as to transfer the fractional part of the Elrod farm in Blount County to Knox County adjacent to and adjoining the remainder and larger body of said Elrod farm including all of said Elrod farm in Knox County.

SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage; the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 6, 1953.