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Acts of 1875 Chapter 140

COMPILER'S NOTE: Only Section 3 of this Act affected Jefferson County.

SECTION 3. That the county line between the counties of Hamblen and Jefferson be
changed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point in the center of the Dandridge and Greenville
dirt road, eleven miles, by measurement, along the same from the Jefferson County Court House;
then running south-eastwardly as nearly parallel with the present county line between said two (2)
counties as practicable, so as not to approach nearer than eleven miles of the Jefferson County
Court House, until it strikes the Cocke county line; then beginning again at said point first
mentioned and running a direct line so as to never come within less than eleven miles of the said
Jefferson County Court House, until it strikes the Cocke county line; then beginning again at said point
first mentioned and running a direct line so as to never come within less than eleven miles of the
said Jefferson County Court House, until said line strikes the C. C. G. & C. R. R.; then running a
north-westwardly course along the southwest side of said railroad, thirty feet from the center of
same, until the line strikes the present line between the counties of Jefferson and Hamblen; also,
provided, that if there by any expense incurred in changing said county line between Jefferson
and Hamblen, the citizens living in that part of the county so attached to Hamblen county, shall
be required to pay the same, and in default thereof the county of Hamblen shall pay the expenses
of same.
Passed: March 24, 1875.