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Public Acts of 1821 Chapter 32

COMPILER'S NOTE: This act established Henry, Carroll, Madison, Henderson and other counties west of the Tennessee River. Only those sections of the act which apply to Madison County have been included in this compilation.

SECTION 5. That all the territory included in the lines hereafter mentioned shall constitute a county to be called and known by the name of Madison county; Beginning two miles and a half south of the north east corner of range 2, section 11, in the 9th district, running thence west parallel with the sectional line to the 3d range line in the 10th district; thence south on said range line to a point two miles and a half south of the sixth sectional line in said district; thence east parallel with said sectional line to the second range line in the 9th district; thence north on said range line to the beginning.

SECTION 10. That for the due administration of justice, the Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions in said counties shall be held at the following places & times: For the county of Henry, at the house of Henry Wall, on the first Monday in December, March, June and September; for the county of Carroll, on the second Monday in December, March, June and September, at the house of R. E. C. Doherty; for the county of Madison, at the house of Adam R. Alexander, on the third Monday in December, March, June and September; for the county of Henderson, at the house of Samuel Wilson, on the fourth Monday in December, March, June and September; at which places the said courts shall be holden until otherwise provided for by law, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions, and shall exercise the same power and jurisdiction that is possessed by said courts in other counties of this state.

SECTION 11. That the sheriffs of the counties of Henry, Carroll, Madison and Henderson shall each hold an election at the places appointed for holding courts in said counties on the first Friday and Saturday in March next, for the purpose of electing field officers of the militia for said counties, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as are pointed out by law in similar cases; and the militia of the county of Henry shall compose the __ Regiment, and shall be attached to the ___ Brigade; and the militia of the county of Carroll shall compose the ___ Regiment and be attached as aforesaid; and the militia of the county of Madison shall compose the ___ Regiment, and be attached as aforesaid; and the militia of the county of Henderson shall compose the ___ Regiment, and be attached as aforesaid.

SECTION 12. That it shall be duty of the commandants of said ______ and _______ Regiments, having first been commissioned and sworn according to law, to divide their regiments into such number of companies as they shall think best for the convenience of said companies and it shall be the duty of each of said commandants to issue writs of election for company officers according to law.

November 7, 1821.