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Private Acts of 1931 Chapter 774

SECTION 1. That the lands of W. M. Wanamaker, O. C. Wanamaker and A. H. Coppinger, described as follows: Beginning in the center of Collins River in Warren County line north of the mouth of Boss Creek running thence up Boss Creek with its various meanders to a large elm, G. W. Wimberly's and A. H. Coppinger's corner on west bank of said creek; thence south 6½ degrees west 30 poles to Boss Creek; thence up said creek as it meanders to a stake in said creek, Wiley Coppinger's and A. H. Coppinger's corner; thence south 33 degrees west with Wiley Coppinger's line 8 4/5 poles to the mouth of a ditch; thence up ditch with said Coppinger's line north 77 degrees west 38 poles to O. C. Wanamaker's southeast corner and A. H. Coppinger's southwest corner; thence north 76 degrees west with O. C. Wanamaker's line 26¼ poles; thence north 75 3/4 degrees west with said line 30 2/3 poles; thence on with said line north 81 degrees west 22 2/3 poles; thence north 3 degrees west 3 poles; thence north 31 degrees east 8 poles; north 19 degrees east 12 poles; north 17 degrees east 14 poles; south 64 degrees east 6 3/5 poles; thence north 8 degrees east 39 4/25 poles to Jim Woodlee's and W. M. Wanamaker's corner in O. C. Wanamaker's west boundary line; thence south 77 degrees west with Woodlee's and Wanamaker's line 24 poles; thence north 50 degrees west 24½ poles to a holly, Woodlee's and Wanamaker's corner; thence south 62 degrees west passing a Sugar tree, Wanamaker's corner; at 15 poles, in all 16 poles to a stake; thence north 52 degrees west 18 poles; north 34 degrees west 6½ poles; north 58 west 8 poles; north 42 west 5 poles; north 58 west 12 poles; north 14 east 30 poles; north 8 east 30 poles; to Wanamaker's branch at a point which bears south 50 degrees east from the center of Mrs. Nancy Stoner's residence; thence down said Winemaker's branch and Warren County line to Collins River; thence up said river and Warren County line to the beginning. Be and the same is hereby, detached from Grundy County and attached to Warren County, and said above described land shall become a part of the Sixth Civil District of said Warren County.

SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it, and that all laws and parts thereof in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed.
Passed: July 1, 1931.