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Acts of 1788 Chapter 28

Whereas, the great extent of the County of Davidson renders it inconvenient to the inhabitants thereof to attend courts, general musters, and election:

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that from and after the passing of this act, the said county of Davidson shall be divided by a line beginning on the Virginia line, running south along Sumner County to the dividing ridge between Cumberland River and Red River, then westwardly along the said ridge to the head of the main south branch of Sycamore Creek, then down the said branch to the mouth thereof, then due south across Cumberland River to the Davidson County line; and all that part of Davidson county that lies east of the said line shall continue and remain the County of Davidson; and all that part of the said county of Davidson that lies west of the said line, shall be erected into a county by the name of Tennessee.

SECTION 2. That the courts for the said county shall be held by the justices thereof on the third Mondays in January, April, July and October; and the justices for the said County of Tennessee are empowered to hold the first court at the house of Isaac Fitzworth, and all subsequent courts at such place as the said justices may adjourn to, until a court house shall be built for the said County of Tennessee, and then all causes, matters, and things depending in the same court, and all manner of process returnable to the same, shall be adjourned to such court house; and all courts held in and for the said County of Tennessee shall be held by commission to the justices, in the same manner and under the same rules and restrictions, and shall have and exercise the same powers and jurisdictions, as are and shall be prescribed for other courts held for the several counties in this state.