WHEREAS, Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 8-26-105, authorizes county legislative bodies to pass a resolution fixing the amount of jailer's fees which may be applied to misdemeanant prisoners for each twenty-four hour period the prisoner is confined to the local facility, (jail or workhouse); and,
WHEREAS, the county legislative body of _____________ County is desirous that it be fully compensated for the housing of misdemeanant prisoners;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the county legislative body of ____________ County, meeting this _____ day of _________________, 20__, that:
SECTION 1. The jailer's fee for _____________ County is hereby fixed at ____________ dollars () per misdemeanor prisoner per twenty-four hour period of confinement in the county jail or county workhouse.
SECTION 2. The jailer's fee herein fixed shall be collected by the clerk of the appropriate court as a part of the fines and costs imposed in each misdemeanor case upon a finding of guilt.
SECTION 3. A copy of this Resolution shall be transmitted to each clerk of court hearing criminal matters in _______________ County and shall be spread upon the minutes of this meeting by the County Clerk.
SECTION 4. This resolution shall take effect upon adoption, the general welfare requiring it.
Adopted this _____ day of __________________, 199__.
County Executive
County Clerk