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Transportation of Juveniles

Transportation of Juveniles to Youth Development Centers

Counties are responsible for the expense of transporting delinquent children not found to have committed offenses punishable in the penitentiary. The fee the sheriff is allowed for transporting children found to have committed offenses punishable in the penitentiary to youth development centers is the same fee allowed by law for carrying prisoners to the penitentiary. When any female child is to be transported to a youth development center, the sheriff must deputize a suitable woman of good moral character to convey the child.  In the event the sheriff cannot find such a woman in the county, the Department of Children’s Services must provide a proper and suitable escort for the child, and this escort is paid from the allowance provided for the sheriff. The expense of the woman so deputized is paid from the allowance for the sheriff. T.C.A. § 37-5-205.

Transportation of Juveniles for Post-Commitment Hearings

A juvenile in the custody of the Department of Children's Services pursuant to a commitment by a juvenile court of this state may petition for post-commitment relief under Title 37, Part 3. T.C.A. § 37-1-302. It is the duty of the sheriff of the county where such proceedings are pending to receive and transport the juvenile to and from the institution that has custody of the juvenile and the courthouse if the court so orders or if for any reason the superintendent of the institution is unable to transport the petitioner. The sheriff is entitled to the same costs allowed for the transportation of prisoners as provided in criminal cases upon presentation of the account certified by the judge and district attorney general. T.C.A. § 37-1-310(b). See also T.C.A. § 8-26-108.